
Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Exercising the brain

Salam ceria semua.

Bercerita tak otak, kalau dah senior ..he..he kita sering terlupa. Ni nak cerita sikit. 
Cik Ju sekarang ni, selalu terlupa atau was-was.  Dah keluar rumah teringat la pulak api dapur dah tutup belum, gate auto tadi dah tekan butang ker belum, pada hal dah berulang-ulang kali dah ingatkan diri.. Selalunya kalau orang alim kata itu gangguan syaitan .  Pernah sekali tu cikju rebus telur malam sebelum tidur, kononnya nak buat sandwich telur esok.. api dapur tak ditutup  sepanjang malam nasib baik api dapur sangat la kecil.  Alhamdullillah tidak ada apa2 yang berlaku pada kami sekeluarga.  Sekarang ni sebelum tidur, make sure tidak ada apa-apa periuk di atas dapur senang nak pastikan tiada apa-apa yang di masak. :) 

Untuk kesihatan otak cikju mengamalkan makan WisD keluaran SNE untuk memberi  vitamin untuk ingatan yang kuat almaklumlah dah senior. Kelebihan WisD ni mengandungi Gingko dan seabuckthorn yang tinggi dengan omega.  

more info klik here : WisD 

antara yang cikju practise

1. Guna Smart Phone anda. ambil gambar gas, sterika and gate sebelum keluar.
2. Kalau keluar bersama keluarga, seblm keluar cakap kuat sikit biar anak2 or suami tu dengar. :)
3. call jiran tolong tengokkan auto gate. dapur tu tawakal aje la.

Jom kita exercising our brain.  Harap dapat serba sedikit membantu semua. 



Petikan dari Popclub august 2017

Cook with sage

Sage is traditionally associated with improving memory.  Research has shown that people who take sage oil in capsule form before memory tests perform better than those who take a placebo.  The purple variety is best - use it to flavour roasts and sauces or make a cup of surprisingly drinkable tea.

Take ginkgo

the  herb Ginkgo biloba has earned its reputation as a brain tonic because it has a beneficial effect on the peripherals blood circulation, improving blood supply to the brain.  (it helps with haemorrhoids and varicose veins for the same reason.) Ginkgo is prescribed to dementia patients in France and Germany.  Take as a herbal extract or tincture as prescribed by your herbalist or following instructions on the pack.  Avoid it taking other prescription medication.

Switch hands

Use your "wrong" hand to manipulate the mouse, brush teeth and hair and open doors.  This expands the circuits in the part of the brain that processes that hand.

Everyday mental challenges

Get into the habit of tackling  a crossword or Sudoku puzzle most days.  One study found that people who complete a crossword four times a week appeared to reduce their risk of dementia by 47 per cent.

Rearrange familiar objects

Move objects you habitually reach for without thinking in the morning: alarm clock, toothbrush, cutlery, breakfast cereal.  This forces your brain to shift into gear early on and may make mornings more wakeful.

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